Mémoires de la Société
Archéologique du Midi de la France

Tome L (1990)


BACCRABÈRE Georges, Protohistory at Ancely, and remarks on other sites near Toulouse

Ancely (Toulouse) protohistory was first characterized by the discovery of a " tomb "dated from late bronze age. This burial essentially contained a skull. In this area, an array of ditches could be traced, joining the Garonne to its affluent river the Touch and thereby isolating a barred spur. Several protohistorical sites were found along the Garonne, namely on ancient Larrey hospital, on St Roch street, on Le Cluzel and Estarac boroughs in Toulouse city and also on Vieille- Toulouse in the south and on Fenouillet in the north of the City. A recollection of L. Joulin archaeological fund, an early XXth century collection, which earthenware is kept at the Musée du Vieux Toulouse, in " Hôtel Dumay ", suggested a definite connection between a certain number of protohistorical sites in the area.

CABAU Patrice, A Chronology of Toulouse Bishops in the Xth Century

Information on the historical succession of ancient Toulouse bishops is to be deduced from diverse and scattered remains of documents which, for some of them, are difficult to read out and date. The bishop list, a secular structure built up by research and textual criticism, was found to be of unequal value according to differents ages : to some extent or even absolutely, it is reliable for XIIth-XIVth centuries series and, as for as we are aware, the list is ascertained for the IIId-IXth centuries series ; between these periods the list was obscure. Recension of available documents leads to list clarification and chronology around the year Thousand. In the present report, the Xth century list is detailed.

GARRIGOU GRANDCHAMP Pierre, GRUBERT Mireille and SCELLES Maurice, Mediaeval houses (XIIIth-XIVth centuries) in Puylaroque (Tarn & Garonne)

On the grounds of the land parcel structure and many middle-age traces, a scheme of the city development is suggested. Structures of XIIIth and XIVth centuries provided evidence of design for the main features of private house architecture of this period. This analysis was refined by monographs of three better-preserved houses. The collected information inspired some methodological comment.

WATIN-GRANDCHAMP Dominique and JULIEN Pascal, New building work at the abbey church Saint-Sernin of Toulouse during XVIth century

The abbey church Saint-Sernin of Toulouse was entirely renewed at the beginning of XVIth century. The noteworthy archiv scripts of the " Corps-Saints " brotherhood, unpublished as yet, provided information on the works promoted by this laic society in charge of the monument maintenance : dates of building campaings and details about the work developments were identified in the accounting records and estimates of works. These scripts let know the names of cooperating artists and detail engineering procedures and materials. After describing the broad building site, attention is drawn on the choir wall painting program which provides a comprehensive evidence of the artistic background underlining liturgical and social events at Saint-Sernin, during the Renaissance period.

CAZES Quitterie and CATALO Jean, Théophile Collondre, a faience-master's workshop in Toulouse

In 1989, an archaeological excavation in Toulouse near Place Dupuy, next to the " Canal du Midi ", led to dig out three pottery kilns, similary designed, although of different sizes. The recovered manufacturing wastes exhibited a wide panel of shapes. Decoration was inspired from Nevers faience. This production can be assigned to Theophile Collondre, the heir of a notorious montpellieran potter dynasty. These rudimentary kilns were in use only during the first period following his arrival at Toulouse, probably between the years 1720 and 1724.

Academic Year 1989-1990 Bulletin

A record of the Society semi-montly sessions providing news on many aspects of its activity. The specific information of which the Society became aware or the comments after oral presentation of original papers are reported, whether or not the articles will be published in the " Mémoires " annual issue. During the present year, the dispute about restoration of the abbey church Saint-Sernin provided an opportunity for a comparison between conflicting archaeological appreciations of the basilica upper structures.

Translated by Claude Péaud-Lenoël


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