Mémoires de la Société
Archéologique du Midi de la France

Tome LIV (1994)


Jean CATALO, Laurent LLECH, Patrick MASSAN, André IPIENS, Rodez Forum : the first Discoveries

A preventive wide archaeological program was undertaken through the center of the town of Rodez (Aveyron) and resulted in the discovery of the main part of the forum of the ancient City. Erected according to the directions of a first pattern during the Augustean period, this monument complex was laid down between 60 and 80 AC. A temple has been located in the center of a square, surrounded by a wide double portico and by a row of small shops open on a side track. The first results obtained from this excavation program showed the evolution of the site and its connections to the City up to the days when it was destroyed at the end of the VIth century.

Jean-Luc BOUDARTCHOUK, The Locus of the Toulouse Bishop Saturnin first Grave : a Restatement of the Problem

Text of the Passio, describing the Toulouse bishop Satumin martyrdom in the year 250, no doubt was written in the beginning of the Vth century. It mentioned the site of his grave which remained unchanged, even after the discovery of his body during the VIth C. by bishop Hilary. According to the Passio, Hilary ordered the erection of a first cult site, near by the holy grave. The relics were further transfered into a new monument by bishop Exupere. None of the sources allowed any more precise location of the first cult site ; however, a comprehensive source reading together with archaeological and historical information suggested to locate Hilary's basilicula next to the site where St Semin, the romanesque church, was later erected and not on the site of " le Taur " church.

Quitterie CAZES, Saint-Etienne of Toulouse, the Cathedral at the romanesque Period

Saint-Etienne, the Toulouse Cathedral is shaped into two main bodies : a nave dated from the first part of the XIIIth century and a choir started little after 1270, witness of an uncompleted project. In some places, the gothic structures rested onto the preceeding building stoneworks. The remains, hereafter analysed, lead to submit a map, still hypothetical ; however, they seem to fit with bishop Isarn's various building plans (cloister, canon common structures), dated from the end of XIth and the beginning of XIIth centuries.

Louis LATOUR, The Auterive Castrum (Haute-Garonne). Its Origin, its History, its Defense Works

The river Ariège high bank was, starting from Antiquity, a defence area, as witnessed by toponymy and archaeology. In the XIth century, a first Castrum was erected on " La Motte ", a site next to the very ancient Saint-Paul church. During the XIIth century, support and protection from the earls of Foix and Toulouse allowed the Auterive lords to build up a new Castrum on a wider and better protected site.

Bemard MONTAGNES O.P. The Monastery of Preaching Friars - Dominicans - at Fanjeaux (Aude)

Published reports on the Fanjeaux dominican monuments should be submitted to a critical restatement, starting from archiv sources, unscanned as yet, whether it is dealt with to distinguish the Saint-Dominique chapel, a recall of the " Fire-Miracle ", from the monastery church dedicated to " Notre-Dame " or in order to date the erection of these buildings. Additionally, it is pertinent to collate the archivs with the architecture information, at least in the case of the church Notre-Dame since the Saint-Dominique chapel bas been destroyed during the first third of XIXth century.

Pascal JuLiEN, The Pietà and the major Altarpiece of the Chapel Notre-Dame-d'Alet

The chapel Notre-Dame-d'Alet owns a XVIIth century altarpiece in an exceptional preservation state which was worked out by two tolosan sculptors, Thibaud Mestrier and Antoine Guépin. In the center of the scenery, a Pietà is represented in an uncommon iconography. Unpublished reports allow to trace the history of this work and to enlighten its significance. The Virgin, showing the crucified Christus, is herself suffering martyrdom. It is a Redemption picture were Passion and Compassion add up for human Salvation. Its iconographic origin bas been traced back to the italian Renaissance and its theological meaning should be sought for in the mystical meditations of Mendicant Order theologians.

Jean COPPOLANI, The " City Project " of Toulouse and the Rescue of the Past

After appearing during a century as the chief town of vandalism, Toulouse, or at least its leaders, in the middle of the XXth century, became conscious of the value of their historical patrimony and of the compulsion to rescue it. The " City Project ", elaborated in 1992, emphasizes this idea and the means to carry it out. The legal system : a classified building list, a safeguarded area - the largest in France -, an inventory of unclassified but noteworthy structures, the regulations of the Land Settlement Map, are altogether satisfactory... What about the Authority will and means ? The executive multifariousness : Town Administration, Historical Building Service, Safeguarded Area Architects, do not help to work out a meaningful policy. Inconsistencies observed in the ancient frontage redressing (apparent bricks or coating ?) as well as injuries recently imposed to some legally protected buildings, sometimes by the very services supposed to look after their integrity, show that one should keep an eye open.

Academic Year 1993-1994 Bulletin

A record of the Society semi-monthly sessions providing information on many aspects of its activity. Specific reports are on discussions following public lectures, whether these will be published or not in the Mémoires annual issue. Aside of archeological information, a bibliographie index is provided.


Translated by Claude PÉAUD-LENOËL